Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/74

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G., W. R. William Entlibone Greg. (1) Alison's History of Europe. " Westm. Rev.," June, 1844, p. 388. — (2) Claims of labour. " Westm. Rev.," June, 1845, p. 445. — (3) Corn-law debate. " Westm. Rev.," April, 1842, p. 348.— (4) Dr. Arnold. " Westm. Rev.," February, 1843, p. 1. — (5) Life and correspond- ence of Thomas Arnold, D.D. " Westm. Rev.," December, 1844, p. 303.— (6) The outbreak of August in the manufactur- ing districts. " Westm. Rev.," October, 1842, p. 3i)l. — (7) Resources of an in- creasing population. " Westm. Rev.," July, 1843, p. 101. — (8) The slave trade, etc. " Westm. Rev.," June, 1844, p. 480.

O D. George Daniel. Cumber-

lanil's British theatre... By... L. lS2i»-61.

G — n. E~rn Sliaiv Goodwin, D.D., in the " Christ. Exam.," V., 441. B. 1828.

G — y, Mr. J — s. .James Graij. The naked truth, in two letters ; the first from ... to his correspondent . . L. 172!).

G . . . G . . . The dramatical contribu- tions to " La Presse " (Paris) over these letters were written by Georges La Brunie and Pifrre .Jnles Theopliilc Gautier.

GaflFet, parf u iiieur distillateur de Paris. Charli'S Yves Cousin d^Aralon.

Galitzine, Prince Dmitry. D. ilou- ravline. Les amours d'un te'nor : ruiuan traduit du russe par Serge Nossoff.

Gall, Franz Joseph. Th. F. Kaje- tan Arnold. 1791.

Gallop-aivay, Joe. .Joseph Galloway, in a political squib, " The Ride to Dan- bury." — See "Diary of the Revolution," Vol. I., p. 428.

Gait, Christopher Columbus. J. S. Polk.

Gambado, Geoffrey, Riding Master. Francis Grose. Academy for grown horsemen. L. 1787.

Also attributed to Henry Bunhury. — See "I. and P."

Gardwell, Godek. — See " Goodwell, Godek."

Gas, Charlatan. Rt. Hon. George Canning, in Disraeli's " Vivian Grey."

Gaudentio di Tjiicca, Signor. Simon Beringlon. Adventures of . . . L. 1776.

Gantier, Pierre Jules Theophile. — See " La Brunie, Georges, and."

Gay, Joseph. John Durant de Breval. The hoop-petticoat: an heroi-comical poem ... L. 1720.

General of the Salvation Army, The. William Booth. Salvation sol- cliery ... By . . . L. 1882,

General Officer, A. Lieut. -Gen. John Burgoijne. Speech of ... in the House of Commons, Feb. 20, 1775. L. 1775.

General Superintendent of Freed- meii Department of the Tennessee, etc. John Eaton. Report . . . Memphis, Tenn., 1865.

Gentle Shepherd. George Grenville. So called in debate by William Pitt, Earl of Chatham.

Gentleman, A. Rev. John Disney. A compendious liistory of the . . Refor- mation ... in England . . . By ... L. 1715.

Gentleman, A. James Hogg. The covenants of redemption and grace dis- played in some questions sent by ... to a reverend and pious minister of this church . . . Edinb. 1707.

Gentleman, A. Hugh Williamson, Description of the settlement of the Genfr see country . . . New York. In a series of letters from ... to his friend. N.Y. 1799.

Gentleman, A. Nathanael Hooke, A dissertation on the constitution of the Roman senate. By ... L. 1743.

Gentleman, A. William Hanway. Poems upon several occasions, chiefly public ... L. 1745.

Gentleman, A. William IJayes. Re- marks on Mr. Avison's essay ... In a letter from ... to his friend in the coun- try. L. 1753.

Gentleman, A. Alban Butler. Re- marks on the two first volumes of the late lives of the popes [by Archbishop Bower]. In letters from .. . Douay, 1754.

Gentleman, A. Thomas Sherlock, D.D. Remarks upon [Hoadl}'] the Lord Bishop of Bangor's treatment of the clergy and convocation. By... L.1717.

Gentleman, A. George Sewell, M.D. The resigners vindicated ; or, the defec- tion consider'd ... By . . . L. 1718.

Gentleman, A. Bichard Gardiner. September : a rural poem . . , By . . . L. 1780.

Gentleman, A. Daniel Defoe. A tour throuuh the whole island of Great Britain. By... 3d ed. L. 1742.

Gentleman, A. Browne Willis. The whole duty of man . . . By ... L. 1717.

Gentleman at Paris, A. Lewis Gold- smith. The secret history of the court and cabinet of St. Cloud ... L. 1806.

Gentleman authorized to investi- gate the Commerce of that Country with Great Britain, A. N. Brooke, M.D. Observations on the manners and customs of Italy ... By . . . Bath, 1798.

Gentleman conversant on the Sub-