Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/78

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Grane, Valfrld. Mrs. Sigrid (^Lid- berg) Viiu'U, a Swedish novelist.

Grant, Parson. Rev. Daniel Nash, in Cooper's "The Pioneers."

Gray, Barry. Robert Barnj Coffin. My married life at Hillside. NA'. 1865.

Gray, Herbert. Ilenri/ Schutz Wilson.

Gray, l/ady Jane. George Keale. An epistle from ... to Lord Guilford Dudley ... L. 17(;2.

Gray, Rosalie. J/rs. D. H. Mann. Little soldier. N.Y. 1880.

Graybeard, A. Bri/an Waller Proc- ter(l). " A. G.'s gossip, in the "New Monthly Mag.," 1«47.

Great Big Fool, A. Jo/m Siirlei/ Waring. 'I'he English alphaliet consid- ered philosophically and pantologically ... By... L. 1H70.

Great Commoner, The. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham.

Great Commonex-, The. Henrij Clay.

Great Duke. Arthur Welksleij, Duke of Wellington.

Great Expounder, The. Daniel Webster.

Greiitest Hypocrite in His Majes- ty's Dominions, The. Alexander Wed- derburn. Lord Lougliborongli. A letter to . . . [By . . .] L. 17!)4.

Greene. 'J'encli Cvxe. Strictures upon the letter imputed to Mr. Jefferson, ad- dressed to Mr. Mazzei. n.p. 1800.

Greenhat, Sir Humphrey. Sir Am- brose Cruirh'ij. "The Tattler," No. 73.

Greenhorn. George Thompson.

Greenway, Grandfather. Charles James Cannon. Ravellings from the web of life. By . . N.Y. 1855.

Greenwood, Grace. Sara Jane (Clarke) Lippincott. Copyright, authors, and authorship. In " Greenwood Leaves." By . . . B. 1850.

Contains: Poems and sketches. — A call foz' a convention of authors, at Faneuil Hall, to din- cuss the question of international copyright. By J. O. W. [.Mm Oreeiileaf Whittier], pp. 28:;- 285. — .V touching incident. By J. R. (J. [.Jose})h Tt. Chandler], pp. 285-287. — To a young poet. By W. O. B. [William Cullen Bryant], pp. 287, 288. — A tale of horror. By E. A. P. [Edgar Allan /'0<>(?)],pp. 2.8S-2')1. — Asoug. By G. P. M. [Georr/e P. Morris], pp. 291, 292. — Poet- dreams. By F. (5. H [Fitz-Green Hallenk], pp. 292, 293.- Letter from the author of " Ty- pee " [Herman Melville], pp. 2'.i4-2rt6. — A sketch. Bv X. P. W. [Nathaniel Parker Wil- lis], x>p.29fi-2:<S. Night's revealings. Frona . . . ByH. \V. L. [Henry Wadsworth Zon,gfeUnir], pp. 298-300. — Apollo in America. By'O. W. II. [Oliver Wendell /Iotees(?)], pp. 300-.'302. —Let- ter from New York. By L. M. C. [Lydia Miirio {Francis) Child], pp. 303, 304. — Warblini.'». By ¥. S. O. [Frances Sargent Osgood], pp. 304, 305. —A fragment. By L. H. S. [Lydia Huntly Sigourney], pp.305, 306. — A tale from the Bur-

mese. By F. F. [Fanny Fern (pseud.). Sarah Parker Willis Parian], pp. 306-308.

Grey, Oliver. Thomas Townleij. An apology for servants. By ... L. about 1701.'"

Grey, William. William F. White. A picture of pioneer times in California . . . liv . . . San Francisco, 1881.

Grey Eyed Man of Destiny, The. William Walker.

Grievous, Peter, Junr. Joseph Hop- kinsonQ). A congratulatory epistle to the redoutable " Peter Porcupine "... P. 1796.

Griflin, The. R. Swain Gifford.— See " Puritan, The."

Griggs, W. Stephenson. Miss F, Mabel Robinson. Irish history for Eng- lish readers. L. 1886.

Griminus, Jodocus, Aviculse nos- trte Pronepos. William Mtston. Deca- dem alteram, exprobatissimis auctoribus . . . selectam adniixtis subinde nonnuUis, m gratiam Pulehrioris tiexus, vernaculis, subjunxet ... L. 172-.

Grindstone, Gaffer, Elsq., of Hun- ger-him-out. Alexander Hill. The po- litical dispute ; or, kirk and state affairs deliated,by two knights belonging to the order of the awl and thimble. A poem. By . . . Montrose, 1817.

Grip, Halvor, Johun Nordling. Dolce far niente. Sthlm. 1884.

Griiber, IJud^vig. Ludwig Anzengru- ber. Feldrain und waldweg . . . Stutt- gart, 1882.

Grumble, Alexander. Forest.

One of his signatures in the "St. James's Chronicle."

Guardian, A. Nassau William Senior. Remarks on the opposition to the Poor Law Amendment Bill. By.. L. 1841.

Guarnerius, Tobias, Jr. Charles Patton Dirnitrij.

Guernsey Militia Officer, A. Capt. W. II. Pxdiol Moulson. The Channel Islands militia . . . By . . . Guernsey, 1874.

Guuson, Gamaliel. Aaron Hill.

Guthrie, James. R. Johnson. 1737.

G'winet, Ambrose. Isaac Bicker- staffe. Tlie life and strange . . . voyages and adventures of . . . Written by him- self. L. 1770.

Gwynfryn. Olive Thome Miller.

Eriends in fur and feathers. By ... L. 1882.

G%vynne, Francis. Henry Martijn, in " Her title of Honour. By Holme Lee."

Gyp. La Comtesse de Martel-Mira- beau. Marriage no mystery. By . . . Translated from the French. L. 1886.