Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/80

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H., F. W. F. W. Ilein-s. 10th Michigan infantry. By . . . Detroit, 1864.

H., G. George Hay, D.D. The Scrip- ture doctrine of miracles displayed . . . L. 1775.

H., G. F. George Frederick Holmes.

(1) Latter-day pamphlets. "Southern Quar. Rev.," November, 1850, p. 313.—

(2) Sir William Hamilton's discourses. " Southern Quar. Eev.," October, 1853, p. L'SO.

H., G. S. <reor(jr' Stillman Hi/lard. (I) In the "Christ! Exam."— (2) Mr. (ireenough's new group of statuary. "New England Mag.," Vol. VIII., p. 41, 1835.

H., H. H. Haijinan. Georgica Vir- gilii . . . Uxf. 1854.

H., H. Mrs. Helen .Maria (FIske Hunt) Jackson. (1) Nelly's silver mine . . . n.p., n.d. — (2) Verses. B. 1874.— (3) Hits of travel. B. 1874. — (4) Bits of talk about home matters. B. 1875, — (o) Bits of talk for young folks. B. 1 870.

H., H. Henrij Humble. A short cate- chism of faith and practice [with a pref- ace by . . .]. L. 1809.

H., H. E. Horallo Emmons Hale. Oriental readings. "Amor. Monthly Mag.," March, 1836, p. 226; The Crazy- eye, April, 1830, p. 334; Oriental read- ings. May, 1836, p. 450; Oriental read- ings, July, 1830, p. 22.

H., H. AV. Henri/ William Herbert, The death of La Pucelle. "Amer. Monthly Mag.," March, 1836, p. 218.

H., J. Joseph Harrington, in the •' Clirist. Exam." (B.), 1852.

H., J. John Hunt, D.D., in the " Con- temporary Rev."

H., J. John Hutchins. Aggleston stone barrow, the devil's night cap. " Gent. Mag.," 1767, p. 169. Also An- tiquities in Dorsetshire. "Gent. Mag.," 1708, p. 109.

H., J. John Hutchinson. (1) Moses's sine principio: represented by names, by words, by types, and by emblems ... By ... L. 1730. — (2) A new account of the confusion of tongues . . By . . L. 1731. — (3) The religion of Satan, or. Antichrist, delineated ... By . . . L. 1730.

H., J. James Harris. Hermes ; or, a philosophical inquiry concerning . . . uni- versal grammar. L. 1751.

H., J. John Hail. Jim Bludso. n.p. 1871.

H., J. John Hvmfrey. Of subjection to King George ... L. 1714.

H., J. C. Julius Charles Hare. The philological museum. Edited by . Camb. 1832-33.

H., J. F. J. F. Houghton. Catholic reaction against the great reformation. "Amer. Whig Rev.,'" October, 1847, p. 347.

H., J. Li. John Lord Hayes. Notes upon indigo. B. 1873.

H., J. Ij. .James I^ampson Harris. On worship ... L. 18 — .

H., J. K. W. J. R. \V. Hitchcock . Etch- ing in America. N.Y. 1880.

H. K. Henry D„irn<-s, Bishop of Ifil- lala, etc. A companion to the holy com- munion, etc. Dublin, 1720.

H., K. Ivatharine Head. Sketches in prose and poetry. By . . . L. 1837.

H., Ij. Lucy Hooper. (1) Lines. "Amer. Monthly Mag.," June, 1836, p. 010.- The chevalier's last hour. No- vember, 1836, p. 442. — Lines. March, 1837, p. 259. — (2) Essay on domestic happiness. 1840. — (3) Scenes from real life. 1840.

H., Li. J. Sfrs. T^ouisa Jane {Park) Hall. Jane Bouverie. In the " Christ. Exam." (B.), 1851.

H. Ij. L. Jane Borthwick. The story of four centuries . . . By ... L. 1864.

H., Li. M. L. M. Hubbard. (1) The woman's gazette; or, news about work. Conducted by . . . L. 1875-79. — Con- tinued as " Work and leisure . . ." Edited by . . . L. 1880, etc. — Year (The) book of women's work. Edited by . . . L. 1875. — Continued as " Englishman's (The) year book for 1881, etc." By . . . L. 1880, etc.

H., M. Matilda Horsburgh. (1) The children of the Great King : a tale of the Crimean War. By... Edinb. 1865.— (2) Cottage readings from Bible history . . . By . . . L. 1869. — (3) Labourers in the vineyard : dioramic sketches in the lives of eminent Christians. By . . . Edinb. 1863. — (4) Nothing to do ; or, the influence of a life. By . . . Edinb. 1862. — (5) Rosa Lindesay, the light of Kilmain. By . . . Edinb. n.d.

H., 31. Li. Martin Luther Hurlbut, in the "Christ. Exam."

H., O. 0. Hermelin, a Swedish author. H., O- Ucv. Oliver Henwood. George Coad, the letter carrier ; or, pure religion displayed In humble life. Plymouth, 1849. H.,O.W. Oliver Wendell Holmes. (1) Apollo in America. By . . . B. 1850. — See " Greenwood, Grace." — (2) " Qui vive. "Amer. Monthly Mag.," Novem- ber, 1830, p. 468. — (.3) To an insect. Vol. I., p. 235. —A week of frailty.