Page:Inland Transit - Cundy - 1834.djvu/107

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Class A. (1.)—Commerce.

Mr. Frederick Barry.—p. 77.

1.[1] You are a shipbroker in London?

I am.

2. And have been so many years?

For twenty-five years.

3. Have you been in the habit of dispatching a great number of ships in the course of that time?


4. To all quarters of the globe?

To all quarters, but more particularly to Spain and Portugal.

5. Are they loaded chiefly with manufactured goods?

Yes, almost invariably.

6. Are these manufactured goods obtained in a great measure from Birmingham?

A great many of them; some woollen manufactures come from the north, but the principal part comes from Staffordshire and Birmingham.

7. Are there particular ships appointed to sail on particular days from the port of London?

There are particular days for a vessel to sail, and whether the goods arrive or not we send our vessels away. I am owner of a great many.

  1. The Numbers opposite the Questions denote their order in the printed Minutes of the Lords' Committees