Page:Inland Transit - Cundy - 1834.djvu/112

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an order for Bombay. The ship is to sail on the 5th or 6th of July; it will be impossible to get the goods up by that time; we could get them here by the Saturday if there was a Railway.

Mr. Frederick Barnes.—p. 86.

1. Are you a wholesale ironmonger?

I am.

2. Have you an establishment in Fenchurch-street?

I have.

3. And also an establishment at Birmingham?

I have.

4. Have you occasion to transmit orders for different description of goods to Birmingham?


5. Are you concerned in the export trade?

I am.

6. Do you receive some of the packages up by coach?

Three or four every day from different manufactories, and always one or two from our own house.

7. Do you ever find that packages which you require to be conveyed by coach are in consequence expensive?

Very frequently

8. Is that a considerable embarrassment to your trade?

Very much so.

9. Have you had packages refused by the Albion, the Emerald, or the Greyhound?

Yes. The answer was, "Mr. Barnes, you would not like to travel in a coach with 800 or 900 lbs, on the top of it or in the boot."

10. Have you sustained any loss by it in your business?

Very decidedly; in fact it has been the ruin of our business.

11. Can you give any instances?

I have now an order for a quantity of goods which, if I could get up in the course of two or three days from this,