Page:Inland Transit - Cundy - 1834.djvu/125

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Mr. Robert Attenborough.—p. 67.

1. What are you?

A farmer.

2. And grazier?


3. Where do you reside?

At Braybrooke.

4. How far is that from London?

Eighty miles.

5. Are you in the habit of attending Smithfield market?


6. How often?

Once a week, from now till Christmas,

7. How long does it take you to perform the journey to and from?

Twelve hours up and down.

8. You are a salesman as well as a grazier?


9. What time does it take you to and from, and to transact business in London?

Three whole days and one night; I go down in the night; generally come up on Saturday; then it takes me three days and nights.

10. If you do not come on Saturday, it takes you two days and nights?

Yes; I get home at four o'clock in the morning.

11. Do many other graziers and salesmen come from that neighbourhood?


12. What is the expense of coach hire for each journey?

It is 1l. 12s, inside, and one guinea out.

13. The same to return?


14. If there was a conveyance in your neighbourhood, with double the speed of travelling, at a reduction of price,