Page:Inland Transit - Cundy - 1834.djvu/130

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25. But calculating if the Railroad is executed, what time would be occupied?

It appears by the calculation that passengers would join the Railroad at Rugby, getting from Rugby to Leicester by coach, and the distance would be completed in about six hours and a half.

26. Do you know the expense of coming from Leicester to London by coach now?

About 2l, or 2l. 2s.

27. Have you made an estimate of the tolls demanded by the Railroad company?

It comes to about one guinea.

29. What time is occupied in coming from Nottingham by coach?

From fifteen to sixteen hours.

30. Have you made a calculation of the time occupied in coming by Rugby?

Joining Rugby in the same way, it would be completed in eleven hours; a saving of from six to seven hours.

31. What is the expense of fare by coach from Nottingham?

It costs 35s.

32. But calculating the expense by Rugby?

It costs about 25s.; the greatest part of the lace made in Nottingham is forwarded by either van or coach; the saving that accrues to a passenger also accrues to the lace.

Class A. (4.)—Conveyance of Bullion, Mails, Troops, and Military Stores.

Mr. James Marshall.—p. 145.

1. Are you the secretary to the provincial bank in Ireland?

I am.