Page:Inland Transit - Cundy - 1834.djvu/136

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22. Do you not think that a rapid communication with Birmingham might expose the stores to some danger?

None whatever; no military stores are placed there without a competent force to protect them against any attempt to spoil them; there is always a competent force for that purpose at Weedon, and every other place where military stores are deposited.

23. There is so good a protection at Weedon that it would take a considerable number of persons to effect that?


24. More than could be brought from Birmingham by the Railroad?

No persons could get there except by the Railroad or by marches, and no assembly of persons could get to Weedon except by two pretty long marches.

25. Suppose these persons were to get possession of the Railroad carriages, and bring 300 or 400 persons to Weedon, to make an attack on the stores, do you think they would be successful against the protection there afforded?

No, nor forty times the number.

Class B.—Estimates of Cost.

Mr. Robert Stephenson.—p. 102.

1. You are a civil engineer?

I am.

2. Have you examined this proposed line?

I have.

25. Have you considered the cost which would be necessary to effect this work?

I have.

111. Is the whole aggregate of (the) items (of expense) 2,205,352l.?

It is.