Page:Inland Transit - Cundy - 1834.djvu/153

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33. Has the rent of that property you speak of, through which it passes,—has that been increased or decreased since the establishment of the Railroad?

I consider it has increased one fifth.

36. Have you known any instance in which there has been a reduction of the rent in consequence of the Railway having passed through the farm?

I have not been able to meet with such an instance.

47. The Company have made an increase to this line in some places beyond what was originally intended?

It was intended for a single way; it is now made double.

48. Were they obliged to treat with the landowners for a large quantity of land?

With a very large proportion of them.

49. Have you paid on those treaties an increased value upon the land from what you would have paid before the line was established at all?


50. To what amount will you say?

I should say we have never objected to pay an advanced price of fifty per cent.

51. In consequence of the increased value from the Railroad?

We were quite aware of the increased value to the owner.

52. You made no objection to that?

No, none.

Mr. Thomas Lee.—p. 24.

1. What is your business?

An architect and surveyor.

2. Where do you reside?

At Chitty Mill near Manchester.

3. Are you employed by several gentlemen of property in that neighbourhood to superintend their estates?
