Page:Inland Transit - Cundy - 1834.djvu/96

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The Result of an Experimental Journey

upon the

Mail-Coach Line of the Holyhead Road,

In Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Charles Dance's Steam Carriage,

on the 1st of November, 1833.

Public attention having been attracted to the practicability of travelling with locomotive engines upon ordinary turnpike roads, by a report of a committee of the House of Commons, of the 12th of October, 1831, stating that, in the opinion of the committee, the practicability of such mode of travelling had been fully established; and more recently by a report of a journey to and from Brighton having been successfully performed by Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Charles Dance's steam carriage, as well as by the fact that the same carriage was daily in use between London and Greenwich, conveying numerous passengers through the crowded suburbs of the metropolis without the slightest inconvenience to the public; we were desirous of personally making an experiment of the facility with which a carriage of that description could perform a journey of considerable length: and having selected the mail coach line of the Holyhead road for the purpose of such experiment, we made an arrangement with Sir Charles Dance for the use of his carriage, on Friday, the 1st inst.