When I this dawning did admire,and prais'd the coming day,I little thought that rising firewou'd take my rest away.
Your charms in harmless childhood layas metals in a mine;Age from no face takes more awaythan youth conceal'd in thine:But as your charms insensiblyto their perfection press'd;So love as unperceiv'd did fly,and center'd in my breast.
My passion with her beauty grew,while Cupid, at my heart,Still as his mother favour'd you,threw a new flaming dartEach gloried in her wanton part;to make a lover, heEmploy'd the utmost of his art;to make a beauty, she.

Between Cashil and Thurlish,I met a fair maiden,As I was a walkingAlong the high-way:I laid her down softly,In a fine dewy morning,O! are you distractedYoung man she did say.