Page:Insectivorous Plants, Darwin, 1899.djvu/16

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On the Structure and Movements of some other Species of Drosera.

Drosera anglicaDrosera intermediaDrosera capensisDrosera spathulataDrosera filiformisDrosera binata—Concluding remarks

Pages 226–231

Dionæa muscipula.

Structure of the leaves—Sensitiveness of the filaments—Rapid movement of the lobes caused by irritation of the filaments—Glands, their power of secretion—Slow movement caused by the absorption of animal matter—Evidence of absorption from the aggregated condition of the glands—Digestive power of the secretion—Action of chloroform, ether, and hydrocyanic acid—The manner in which insects are captured—Use of the marginal spikes—Kinds of insects captured—The transmission of the motor impulse and mechanism of the movements—Re-expansion of the lobes


Aldrovanda vesiculosa.

Captures crustaceans—Structure of the leaves in comparison with those of Dionæa—Absorption by the glands, by the quadrifid processes, and points on the infolded margins—Aldrovanda vesiculosa, var. australis—Captures prey—Absorption of animal matter—Aldrovanda vesiculosa, var. verticillata—Concluding remarks


Drosophyllum —Roridula —Byblis —Glandular Hairs of other Plants —Concluding Remarks of the Droseraceæ.

Drosophyllum—Structure of leaves—Nature of the secretion—Manner of catching insects—Power of absorption—Digestion of animal substances—Summary on Drosophyllum—Roridula—Byblis—Glandular hairs of other plants, their power of absorption—Saxifraga—Primula—Pelargonium—Erica—Mirabilis—Nicotiana—Summary on glandular hairs—Concluding remarks on the Droseraceæ



Pinguicula vulgaris—Structure of leaves—Number of insects and other objects caught—Movement of the margins of the leaves—Uses of this movement—Secretion, digestion, and absorption—Action of the secretion on various animal and vegetable substances—The effects of substances not containing soluble nitrogenous matter on the glands—Pinguicula grandifloraPinguicula lusitanica, catches insects—Movement of the leaves, secretion and digestion