midable. Mario's master, with the most abominable intention, pushed the blade of grass insolently beneath the nose of his champion; the latter thinking the insult came from Lablache, who at this moment appeared to be beating time with his antenæ, sprang at his head, and struck to the ground the horn on which he laid the guilt. Indignant at this unmerited aggression, the insect that had lost its horn flew at its adversary, and lamed him with the first blow. Mario looked for an instant with stupor at his forefoot, deprived of the right torsus, and listening only to the voice of passion, seized Lablache by the hair, and dragged him three times round the bowl. Alas! it was not Achilles with the body of Hector; for Hector, suddenly disengaging himself, fell with all his weight upon his adversary, crushed him in his embrace, and devoured a portion of his head. After glutting his wrath, the conqueror took up his position in the middle of the bowl, and waited for a new assailant; but no other knight had the audacity to present himself. Lablache returned in triumph to his palace, shaking proudly his solitary horn. All day long our faï-ting was the theatre of similar scenes.
The Chinese never remain idle; when they do not work, they eat, play, or smoke. Night surprised us half-way between Macao and Canton, at the mouth of the Tchou-kiang, which the Europeans call the Bogue. There we passed the night at anchor.