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same nation, to the exclusion of all others. Thus there are a Danish, a Portuguese, a Spanish, and even a French factory; but these designations are quite arbitrary. In reality, of all the Western nations, the Americans only are at home, and have built at Canton a palace worthy of the conquerors of our age, of the rivals of the English, of the peaceful soldiers of prosperity and industry.

The interests of all the Christian nations in China are intimately united; and it is to be regretted that the French Government, the natural ally of all free governments, has not joined those of Great Britain and the United States to found on the shores of the Tchou-kiang a real western town, by uniting on one common spot the edifices which, according to the latest treaties, each nation has a right to erect at the open ports for purposes of commerce. This simultaneous act would have shown the Chinese the good understanding between all civilised nations; it would have insured the safety of our missionaries and merchants much better than the menacing preparations on board the fleets, protected by the flags of England, the United States, and France.

The part appropriated by the barbarians contains, nevertheless, three streets which are completely Chinese. One is celebrated in the memory of sailors. Europeans gave it the name of Hog Lane: in Chinese, San-taou-Lan. It lies between the ruins of the