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VIII. Be sure to remove far from them every bad example; guard the door of your own lips, and be careful to prevent your servants, or dependants from saying or doing any thing which is improper in their presence. For they are always ready to copy every thing they hear or see.

IX. As soon as they are able to speak, begin to teach them the Lords Prayer, and let them repeat it regularly night and morning. To this, in time, may be added the apostles creed, and any other prayers suited: to the capacity of children. This will be laying a good foundation for other improvements in righteousness and true holiness.

X. Your next care should be, to teach them the commandments, and the other parts of the church catechism; and when they are able to repeat the whole, let them be publicly catechised in the church, and at home, during your leisure hours, endeavour to explain it to them. This will be no bad method of teaching them every thing that a Christian ought to know and believe to his soul's health.

XI. When they are capable of learning to read, either instruct them yourselves, or send them to a good school, where proper attention is paid to the morals of youth. Encourage them to diligence, and let them want no advantage of increasing in knowledge and wisdom which you can procure,