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Instruments of Music in the Worship.

gan is believed to have been used in church service in the thirteenth century. Organs were in use before this in the theaters. They were never regarded with favor in the Eastern church and were vehemently opposed in the Western churches. In Scotland no organ is allowed to this day, except in a few Episcopal churches. In the English convocation held A.D. 1562, in Queen Elizabeth’s time, for settling the liturgy, the retaining of organs was carried only by a casting vote.” “The early reformers, when they came out of Rome, removed them as monuments of idolatry. Luther called the organ an ‘ensign of Baal;’ Calvin said that instrumental music was not fitter to be adopted into the Christian church than the incense and the candlestick; Knox called the organ a ‘kist [chest] of whistles.’ The Church of England used them, against a very strong protest, and the English dissenters would not touch them.” These extracts are from Strong and McClintock’s Encyclopedia; article, "Music." John Wesley and Adam Clarke strongly opposed them, and Alexander Campbell refused to speak when one was used. They have come into use as Christians have lost their zeal and devotion and fidelity to the appointments of God, as parties do as they grow numerous, and have sought to be popular and fashionable and have catered to the fleshly and sensuous tastes and feelings of the world. It cannot be otherwise than sinful to use them, as they constitute no part of the worship of God.

it seems there cannot be a doubt but that the use of instrumental music in connection with the worship of God, whether used as a part of the worship or as an attractive accompaniment, is unauthorized by God and violates the oft-repeated prohibition to add nothing to, take nothing from, the commandments of the Lord. It destroys the difference between the clean and the unclean, the holy and the unholy, counts the blood of the Son of God unclean, and tramples under foot the authority of the Son of God. They have not been authorized by God or sanctified with the blood of his Son. A Christian loyal and true to the Lord Jesus Christ cannot use them, nor in any way countenance