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Page:Instruments of the Modern Symphony Orchestra.djvu/44

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Tromba clarino

The trumpet is a brass instrument, the tube of which is one-half the length of that of the French horn in the same key, and it therefore sounds an octave higher than the horn. The modern orchestral trumpet is provided with the usual three valves, which give it a complete chromatic scale within its compass of about two and one-half octaves. The mouthpiece differs from that of the horn in being cup-shaped rather than conical.

Although the older scores and indeed many modern ones call for trumpets in a variety of keys—C, D, E flat, F, etc., the trumpets in B flat and A are used almost exclusively, the trumpeters, like hornists, transposing their parts at sight when transposition is necessary. These two instruments offer the same facility as B flat and A clarinets for playing in flat and sharp keys. In the case of the trumpet, however, only one instrument is necessary—that in B flat—as its pitch may be instantly lowered to A by drawing a telescopic slide or by employing a special valve mechanism.

The quality of tone of the trumpet is brilliant, noble, and wonderfully penetrating in FF. Its softer accents are clear and pure, still retaining the characteristic nobility and incisiveness of the louder tones. Trumpets, like cornets and horns, may be muted by means of a pear-shaped device set in the bell. Two, and often three trumpets are required in a symphony or grand opera orchestra.

The range of the trumpet is:
{ \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \cadenzaOn fis1_"Written"\glissando c'''^\markup { \halign #2.5 to } \parenthesize e'''4 \bar "||" e1_\markup { \center-column { Sounds "(B♭ Trumpet)" } }\glissando bes''^\markup { \halign #3 to } \parenthesize d'''4 \bar "||" dis1_\markup { \center-column { Sounds "(A Trumpet)" } }\glissando a''^\markup { \halign #2.5 to } \parenthesize cis'''4 \bar "||" }

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