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Page:Instruments of the Modern Symphony Orchestra.djvu/56

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Italian German French
Gran Cassa Grosse Trommel Grosse Caise
Cassa Grande
Or Simply Cassa

This instrument gives a deep, booming sound of no definite pitch. It is played with a single, soft-headed drumstick with which tolerably close rolls are possible by the skillful performer. In loud passages its function is to augment the general volume of sound and especially to accentuate the rhythm. Struck softly it produces a dark, ominous effect which may be well employed in certain dramatic situations.


Italian German French
Tamburo Militare Kleine Trommel Tambour (Militaire)
    Caisse claire

This small drum derives its name from the thin strings of gut, called snares, which are stretched across its lower head. The peculiar rattling sound characteristic of this drum is due to the vibration of these snares against the lower head when the upper head is beaten. The snare drum is played with two sticks of hardwood. The pitch is indefinite.

The technic of the snare drum is a difficult one to acquire, many years practice being required to produce a close, even roll. This is obtained not by rapid single strokes, but by the alternation of double strokes with each hand. The use of this drum in the orchestra is chiefly confined to the production of a military atmosphere.

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