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1995 Ed.
International Arbitration
Cap. 143A

(3) In any written law, agreement in writing or other document, a reference to arbitration under the Arbitration ActCap. 10. shall, so far as relevant and unless the contrary intention appears, be construed to include a reference to arbitration under this Act.

(4) For the purposes of this section, arbitral proceedings are to be taken as having commenced on the date of the receipt by the respondent of a request for the dispute to be referred to arbitration, or, where the parties have agreed in writing that any other date is to be taken as the date of commencement of the arbitral proceedings, then on that date.

Part III
Foreign Awards

Interpretation of Part III. 27.—(1) In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires—

“agreement in writing” includes an agreement contained in an exchange of letters, telegrams, tele­facsimile or in a communication by teleprinter;

“arbitral award” has the same meaning as in the Convention;

“arbitration agreement” means an agreement in writing of the kind referred to in paragraph 1 of Article II of the Convention;

“Convention” means the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards adopted in 1958 by the United Nations Conference on International Commercial Arbitration at its twenty-fourth meeting, the English text of which is set out in the Second Schedule;

“Convention country” means a country (other than Singapore) that is a Contracting State within the meaning of the Convention;

“court” means the High Court in Singapore;

“foreign award” means an arbitral award made in pursuance of an arbitration agreement in the territory of a Convention country other than Singapore.

15. 3. 1995