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Cap. 143A
International Arbitration
1995 Ed.
the country in which, or under the law of which, the award was made.

(3) When a foreign award referred to in subsection (2) (d)contains decisions on matters not submitted to arbitration but those decisions can be separated from decisions on matters submitted to arbitration, the award may be enforced to the extent that it contains decisions on matters so submitted.

(4) In any proceedings in which the enforcement of a foreign award is sought by virtue of this Part, the court may refuse to enforce the award if it finds that—

(a) the subject-matter of the difference between the parties to the award is not capable of settlement by arbitration under the law of Singapore; or
(b) enforcement of the award would be contrary to the public policy of Singapore.

(5) Where, in any proceedings in which the enforcement of a foreign award is sought by virtue of this Part, the court is satisfied that an application for the setting aside or for the suspension of the award has been made to a competent authority of the country in which, or under the law of which, the award was made, the court may, if the court considers it proper to do so, adjourn the proceedings or, as the case may be, so much of the proceedings as relates to the award and may, on the application of the party seeking to enforce the award, order the other party to give suitable security.

Convention countries. 32.—(1) Where the Minister by an order published in the Gazette declares that any State specified in the order is a Convention country, the order, while in force, shall be evidence of that fact.

(2) For the purposes of this Part, a certificate signed by the Minister stating that a State specified in the certificate but not specified in any order made under subsection (1) which is in force is, or was at a time specified in the certificate, a Convention country shall, upon mere production, be prima facie evidence of that fact.

Enforcement of awards under other provisions of law. 33.—(1) Nothing in this Part shall affect the right of any person to enforce an arbitral award otherwise than as is provided for in this Part.