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1995 Ed.
International Arbitration
Cap. 143A

Part II
International Commercial Arbitration

Interpretation of Part II. 2.—(1) In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires—

“arbitral tribunal” means a sole arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators or a permanent arbitral institution;

“arbitration agreement” means an agreement in writing referred to in Article 7 of the Model Law and includes an arbitration clause contained or incorporated by reference in a bill of lading;

“award” means a decision of the arbitral tribunal on the substance of the dispute and includes any interim, interlocutory or partial award;

“Model Law” means the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration adopted by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on 21st June 1985, the text in English of which is set out in the First Schedule;

“party” means a party to an arbitration agreement or, in any case where an arbitration does not involve all of the parties to the arbitration agreement, means a party to the arbitration.

(2) Except so far as the contrary intention appears, a word or expression that is used both in this Part and in the Model Law (whether or not a particular meaning is given to it by the Model Law) has, in the Model Law, the same meaning as it has in this Part.

Model Law to have force of law. 3.—(1) Subject to this Act, the Model Law, with the exception of Chapter VIII thereof, shall have the force of law in Singapore.

(2) In the Model Law— “State” means Singapore and any country other than Singapore;

“this State” means Singapore.

15. 3. 1995