Page:International Library of Technology, Volume 93.djvu/110

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analyzed. Peckham gives the following analyses for a number of noted American gas wells:

Well Carbon Dioxide CO2 Carbon Monoxide CO Hydrogen H Methane CH4 Ethane C2H6 Propane C3H8 Burns Leechburg Harvey .34 .35 .66 trace .26 trace 6.10 .56 13.50 75.44 89.65 80.11 18.12 4.39 5.72 trace trace trace

Burns's well is in the northern part, and the Harvey well is in the southern part of Butler County, while Leechburg is in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania. Nitrogen has been found in Russian natural gas from the Baku oil fields, but very little has been reported to exist in any of the Pennsylvania gases.

59. Analysis. — The following is the analysis of Findlay, Ohio, gas as made by Prof. C. C. Howard:

Constituents of Gas Per Cent. Marsh gas (methane, CH4) 92.61 defiant gas (ethylene, C2H4) 30 Hydrogen, H 2.18 Nitrogen, N 3.61 Oxygen, O 34 Carbon dioxide, CO2 26 Carbon monoxide, CO 50 Hydrogen sulphide, H2S 20

The calorific value of natural gas usually varies between 850 and 1,150 British thermal units per cubic foot at approximately atmospheric pressure.


60. Manufacture. — Coal gas is gas made directly from coal. It is in general use in all the large towns and cities in civilized countries for illuminating streets and buildings. It is made by heating bituminous, or soft, coal in retorts, which are large, semicircular cylinders made of fireclay or cast iron. A fire is built underneath these retorts, and they