“or”, “other” and “otherwise” shall be construed disjunctively and not as implying similarity, unless the word "similar" or some other word of like meaning is added;
“Order in Council” means an order made by Her Majesty in Her Privy Council;
“Ordinance” and “enactment” mean—
- (a) any Ordinance enacted by the Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council;
- (b) any proclamation made by the British Military Administration on or between the 1st day of September, 1945, and the 1st day of May, 1946; and
- (c) any subsidiary legislation made under any such Ordinance or proclamation;
“Parliament” and “Imperial Parliament” mean the Parliament of England, the Parliament of Great Britain and the Parliament of the United Kingdom;
“per cent”, when used in relation to a rate of interest payable in any circumstances, means the rate of interest specified payable in respect of a year, unless it is expressly provided that it is payable in respect of any other period;
“person” includes any public body and any body of persons, corporate or unincorporate, and this definition shall apply notwithstanding that the word “person” occurs in a provision creating or relating to an offence or for the recovery of any fine or compensation;
“personal name” means the names other than a surname which a person most commonly adopts in conjunction with his surname or, in the case of a person having no surname, the names which he commonly adopts;
“pier” includes every quay, wharf of jetty of whatever description connected to and having direct access to the shore and used or intended to be used for the purposes of a pier; quay, wharf of jetty;
“police officer” and terms or expression referring to ranks in the Hong Kong Police Force shall bear the meanings respectively assigned to them by the (Cap. 232).Police Force Ordinance;
“power” includes any privilege, authority and discretion;
“prescribed” and “provided”, when used in or with reference to any Ordinance, mean prescribed or provided by that Ordinance or by subsidiary legislation made under that Ordinance;
“prison” means any place or building or portion of a building set apart for the purpose of a prison under any Ordinance relating to prisons;