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Page:Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance 1966 (Cap. 1).pdf/39

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Ord. No. 31/66

[s. 3.]

Boundaries of the Colony.

On the south—The parallel of latitude 22°09′ north between the points where it is intersected by the meridian of longitude 114°30′ east of Greenwich and the line of the western boundary.

On the north—A line drawn from the point where the meridian of longitude 113°52′ east of Greenwich intersects the parallel of latitude touching the extreme south-west point of the shore of Deep Bay to the said south-west point the shore of Deep Bay; thence along the high water mark upon the shore of Deep Bay to the estuary of the Sham Chun River; thence by a line drawn as described in the agreement delineating the northern frontier of the New Territories signed by James Haldane Stewart Lockhart and Wong Tsun-shin at Hong Kong on the 19th day of March, 1899, and following the high water mark in Mirs Bay to the point where the meridian of longitude 114°30′ east of Greenwich intersects the mainland high water mark;

On the east—The meridian of longitude 114°30′ east of Greenwich between the points where it intersects the mainland high water mark and the parallel of latitude 22°09′ north;

On the west—The meridian of longitude 113°52′ east of Greenwich between the point where it intersects the parallel of latitude touching the extreme south-west point of the shore of Deep Bay and the north coast of Lantau Island. The boundary then follows the western coast line of Lantau Island including the waters appertaining thereto to the extreme south-west point thereof and thence runs in a south-easterly direction to the extreme south-west point of Tai A Chau Island in the Soko Island Group and continues in the same straight line to the point at which it intersects the parallel of latitude 22°09′ north.

[s. 3.]

Boundaries of the Harbour.

On the east—A straight line drawn from the westernmost extremity of Siu Chau Wan Point to the westernmost extremity of Ah Kung Ngam Point (sometimes known as Kung Am);

On the west—A straight line drawn from the westernmost point of Island of Hong Kong to the westernmost point of Green Island, thence a straight line drawn from the westernmost point of Green Island to the easternmost point of Tsing Yi Rock, thence a straight line drawn true north from the easternmost point of Tsing Yi Rock to Tsing Yi, thence along the eastern and northern coast lines of Tsing Yi to the westernmost extremity of Tsing Yi and thence a straight line drawn true north therefrom to the mainland.

[s. 3.]

Area of Kowloon.

“Kowloon” means that portion of the peninsula of Kaulung which was ceded to Great Britain by the Emperor of China on the 24th day of October, 1860.

[s. 3.]

Area of New Kowloon.

“New Kowloon” means that portion of the New Territories which is delineated in red and shown upon a plan marked “New Kowloon” dated the 8th day of December, 1937, signed by the Director of Public Works, countersigned by the Governor and deposited in the Land Office.