Page:Interpretation of dreams and moles.pdf/12

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A Mole on the middle of the left ear, shews the like is to be found on the lower part of the left side, denoting a man to be of an evil nature, cruel and inhuman; and for a woman it portends a short life.

A Mole on the lower part of the left ear shews the like on the lower part of the left side, denoting a man to fall into great trouble, by means of women, by quarrelling and fighting in their behalf and betokens a woman to be of a mischievous disposition, threatning her with commission of murder, by poison or otherwise.

A Mole on the lower part of the eye-lid between the hollow of the eye, and the beginning of the nose, in either sex, shews another on the right side of the privy part, denoting a man much beloved by women, and fortunate in marriage, and a woman to be ingenious, chaste, and faithful.

A Mole under the hollow of the right eye, by the ward gart of the nose, denotes another on the middle of the body, above the members ; signifying a man to be hasty proud and furious; and a woman to be self conceited, vain-glorious, and of weak understanding, though a perfect pretender to knowledge in every respect.