Page:Interpretation of dreams and moles.pdf/16

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but if it be soft and pliable, the person is moderately meek and humble, of a free temper, and good nature.

Dark brown hair, signifies an indifferent good temper, loving and affable, one easy to be wrought on with good usage.

Light brown hair, that is not harsh or broken at the ends, shews the party very loving and good-natured, industrious, and patient in the pleasure of marriage.

Flaxen hair is Venus’ own colour, and rarely fails in any one, to render a soft, kind temper, usually of a fair and sanguine complection, very amrous and apt to love.

Dusky red hair, shows the person melancholy, of a morose temper, not much subject to love, but covetous, and anxious to obtain honour and riches.

Bright or deep red hair shews the party very leacherous; one that will have many children, and very pleasing in marriage, yet apt te stray, if satisfaction in marriage fails. It also signifieth the party wise and industrious, not designed for great riches.

Any colours that are intermixed between these, participate equally of the temper, qualities, good nature and humours, that I have mentioned in the degrees of mixtures. Thus many a man and woman make their conjectures, and so are happy.