Page:Interpretation of dreams and moles.pdf/22

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3. If the girdle of Venus which reach from the outside of the hand to the root of the middle finger, be fair and well proportioned, not cut or divided by cross li(illegible text) denotes to the party extraordinary advantages by marriage.———Several little crosses upon the Liver-line, which runs directly upon the hand, denotes sickness and unhealthy constitution; but if it be (illegible text) and clean, signifies health and long life.

4. If little direct lines come from the rest of the finger, they signify to a woman to have three husbands; and to a man great riches, honour, and preferment.

5. If they have three large lines on the joint of the wrist, it denotes easy childbearing, and not subject to miscarriage.

6. It the nails of the hand be transparent red, long, and of a fair complexion, it is sign of long life; but if cloudy, dark, of of a lead colour, the contrary.

7. If the line branch towards the first and middle fingers, and end blunt, it betokens riches and preferment to men, and to women kind and loving husbands.

8. If there happen a cut or separation between your two left fingers, it denotes loss, if not ruin to the party, by comme(illegible text) or law suits.———Thus much for these Lines and for their different significations.