Page:Interpretation of dreams and moles.pdf/7

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To dream of young birds, signifies that the person will soon get news of childbirth.

To dream one receives a letter, denotes good success in love, or the speedy arrival of absent friends at a great distance.

To dream of storms and a troubled sky denotes that the person will get anger.

To dream of the chattering of swallows denotes sickness, or other infirmities.

For a maid to dream that she kisses her sweetheart, is a sign of true affection, and that they will soon be joined in marriage.

To see great feasts and partake of them signifies plenty: but if you are debarred from eating them, want and poverty.

To dream you catch great store of fish denotes you will attain to great riches.

To dream of dead relations, promises you will soon see some friend.

To dream you receive money, is lucky, but to dream of finding money, denotes that you will meet with disappointments.

For a maid to write the numeral figures in her own name, and lay them under her pillow the first Friday in the month, if she dream she sees any person writing, or casting up accounts, she may expect a sudden overture of marriage, and a happy life.