Figure 14.—Graphs showing the 1941 registration of motor vehicles tn cities of more than 10,000 population and other places, in counties and cities traversed by the recommended interregional system and in other counties and cities, and the density of motor vehicle registration in counties traversed by the system in comparison with the density in other counties.
In counties traversed by the system the density of motor-vehicle ownership in 1941 was 18.7 per square mile and 1 for each 3.9 persons. In all other counties the density was 5.5 per square mile and 1 for each 4.5 persons. These facts, shown graphically in figures 12, 18, and 14, give further evidence of the appropriate choice of routes included in the system. Table 7, which shows the same relations by geographic regions, indicates that the choice is similarly appropriate in all regions.