d. Iranian Air Force Operations 3 June–3 July 1988
(1) (SNF) Iranian Air Force operating patterns changed significantly, particularly at Bandar Abbas, in the month prior to 3 July 1988. Where heretofore the Iranian Air Force had generally operated single fighter combat air patrols (CAPs), they changed to 2 aircraft sections. Twenty-five 2-plane CAPs were flown between 2-15 June 1988 alone, representing a significant increase in the airborne activity from Bandar Abbas. (IO Exhibit 14, Intelligence Background Briefing).
(2) (S) Iranian F-14’s have been observed to fly at airspeeds of between 250 KTS while climbing to patrol station and 350 – 400 KTS while on patrol. During air to air intercepts the F-14’s have achieved speeds of 500 – 550 KTS. ( p. 367).
(3) (SNF) At least one, possibly 2 or 3 Iranian F-14s were transferred to Bandar Abbas from their home field at Bushehr on 25 June 1988. (IO Exhibit 14, Intelligence Background Briefing).
(4) (SNF) The addition of the F-14s to the air order of battle at Bandar Abbas was perceived by CJTFME as a significant upgrade in Iranian air capability at Bandar Abbas. (IO Exhibit 14, Intelligence Background Briefing).
(5) (SNF) USS VINCENNES was advised by CJTFME on 18 June 1988 of the changing patterns of F-4s operating from Bandar Abbas: "All units are cautioned to be on the alert for more aggressive behavior. Reports of Iranian plans to reconvert some F-4s for air to ground roles using iron bombs, Mavericks, Iranian produced 440 lb bombs, or unguided 'Eagle' missiles would all point toward an offensive, vice defensive capability." (IO Exhibit 14, CJTFME 181225Z JUN 88).
(6) (SNF) USS VINCENNES was advised on 20 June 1988 of modifications to Iranian aircraft including F-4’s. "Iran is clearly working hard to develop an anti-shipping capability as well, and innovative techniques of adapting air defense weapons systems for ASM purposes are continuing." (IO Exhibit 14, CJTFME//J2//200510Z JUN 88).
(7) (SNF) USS VINCENNES was advised on 26 June 1988 of the unprecedented deployment of Iranian F-14’s to Bandar Abbas: "The F-14 deployment represents an increased threat to allied aircraft operating in SOH, SPG, and GOO." (IO Exhibit 14, CJTFME//J2//260900Z JUN 88).
e. The Iranian Posture 25 June–2 July