(2) (SNF) The KARAMA MAERSK issued a "MAYDAY" requesting assistance and USS ELMER MONTGOMERY responded and observed several IRGC small boats fire 3 rockets at the Danish merchant at 1630Z. The IRGC boats included at least 1 Boghammer and 2 machine gun equipped Boston whalers. (IO Exhibit 14, USS MONTGOMERY 022230Z JUL 88, Intelligence Background Brief).
(3) (SNF) The USS MONTGOMERY fired a warning shot at the small boats at about 1730Z and the boats retired to the NW. (IO Exhibit 14, CJTFME//J2//040030Z JUL 88).
2. Operational Background.
a. (U) The Administrative and Operational Organization Charts for the JTFME are contained in this report as IO Exhibit 141.
b. (U) , USN, was CJTFME and designated “GB” (the radio call sign for the Officer in Tactical Command) on 3 July 1988. He and his staff were embarked in USS CORONADO (AFG 11). (IO Exhibits 61, 134, 141).
c. (U) Commander Destroyer Squadron 25, was embarked in the USS JOHN HANCOCK (DD 981) and was designated “GS” (the radio call sign for the Surface Warfare Commander) by CJTFME. (IO Exhibits 61, 141).
d. (U) The Commanding Officer USS VINCENNES (CG 49) was designated “GW” (the radio call sign for the Anti-Air Warfare Commander) by CJTFME. (IO Exhibits 61, 141).
e. (S) The CJTFME command ship, USS CORONADO (AGF 11), had the following principal communication/information equipment available: (1) SAG-A (UHF-Secure Voice); (2) CMEF execution net (UHF SATCOM Secure); (3) JOTS terminal; and (4) Link 11, receive only information which was displayed on the JOTS terminal. All equipment, with the exception of Link 11, was up and working. (IO Exhibit 140, , p. 124, pp. 444-446).
f. (C) CJTFME uses the JOTS system and voice communication as its primary means of keeping abreast of the tactical situation. ( , p. 445).
g. (S) Communications between CJTFME and USS VINCENNES were conducted on the CMEF execution net (MEFEX). (IO Exhibit 128, 140, , p. 443).
h. (S) Key CJTFME personnel in flag plot during the engagement of the small boats and track 4131 were:
(1) — CJTFME