USN warship BRG 202 from you. Request you change course immediately to 270. If you maintain current course you are steering into danger and are subject to USN defensive measures." USS VINCENNES's system data indicated the same. (IO Exhibits 91 & 203).
(b) (S) (AAWC) recalled seeing TN 4131 with an altitude of approximately 9000 ft and a speed of 360-380 kts. So did the USS VINCENNES's system. (IO Exhibit 91, , p.728).
(c) (S) (49 ADT) recalled that the highest altitude for TN 4131 was 12,000 ft at 25 NM. The system held TN 4131 at 8,400 ft when it was at 25 NM. (IO Exhibit 91, p. 59 ).
(d) (S) HMS MANCHESTER went off Link 11. (FC-1) hooked TN 4474 for 5 secs (RNG 110 NM, BRG 139, ALT 11,900, SPD 448). Forty seconds later TN 4474 was dropped from system. (IO Exhibit 91).
(e) (S) (CSC) recalled that the last time he looked at altitude, TN 4131 was at 22 NM at 10,300 ft. At 22 NM, USS VINCENNES's system held TN 4131 at 9200 ft. (IO Exhibit 91, , p 531).
(f) (S) (MSS) pushed "REQUEST RADIATION ASSIGN" button for TN 4131. System would not allow since AAWC or IDS had not authorized. (IO Exhibit '91).
(g) (S) (AAWC) recalled requesting and receiving permission to illuminate at 20 NM.( , p.730).
(h) (S) USS VINCENNES issued a challenge over IAD to TN 4131: "Unknown aircraft on CSE-210, SPD-360, ALT 10,000. You are approaching USN warship BRG 201, 20 miles from you. You are standing into danger and may be subject to USN defensive measures." The TN 4131 range and kinematics agreed with the USS VINCENNES's system values. (IO Exhibits 91 & 203).
(i) (S) USS VINCENNES issued a challenge over MAD to TN 4131: "Iranian F-14 this is USN warship bearing 199, 20 miles. Request you change course 270 immediately. If maintain current course you are subject to USN defensive measures." USS VINCENNES's system data indicated the same. (IO Exhibits 203, 91).
(j) (S) (TAO observer-USS SIDES) recalled TN 4131 rising in altitude and as it reached CPA and continuing to rise to 10 or 11 kft. (IO Exhibit 56, , p. 222).