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Page:Iran Air Flight 655 investigation.djvu/70

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squawking Mode III-67. USS VINCENNES's system data indicated the same. (IO Exhibits 71 & 91,  , p. 172).

(n) (S)   (AIC-3) recalled an altitude of. 7700 feeton his fourth look at TN 4131 when it was at 15 NM. USS VINCENNES's system data at 15 NM showed an altitude of 11,000 ft. (IO Exhibit 91,  , pp. 706, 712.}}

(o) (S)   (AAWC) pushed "ENGAGE" button in response to system tutorial message to "SELECT WEAPON" and received another "SELECT WEAPON" message. (IO Exhibit 91).

(p) (S)   (MSS) again pushed "REQUEST RADIATION ASSIGN" button. Authorization sequence was still not completed by AAWC. {IO Exhibit 91).

(q) (S)   (AAWC) pushed "ASSIGN" button in response to "SELECT WEAPON" message. Again he received a "SELECT WEAPON" message. He then pushed "ENGAGE" and got a "SELECT WEAPON" message. (IO Exhibit 91).

(r) (S) TN 4131 was at 14 NM, ALT 12,000, and still at SPD 382. (IO Exhibit 91).

(s) (S) USS FORRESTAL"s E-2C'started transmitting on Link 11. It never locally held radar, IFF or ESM information on TN 4131. (IO Exhibits 91 & 250).

(t) (S)   (MSS) pushed "REQUEST RADIATION ASSIGN" button 7 more times. Authorization sequence was still not completed by AAWC. (IO Exhibit 91).

(8) 0654Z

(a) (S) USS VINCENNES's system held TN 4131 at RNG 12 NM, SPD 380, ALT 12,370, CSE 211 at the beginning of this minute. (IO-Exhibit 91).

(b) (S)   (RSC) reported hearing that the target had dropped in altitude 5-6000 ft at 12 NM. He also stated that the RSC console has no altitude read-out. ( , p. 543).

(c) (S)   (AAWC) hit the "ENGAGE" button twice in response to "SELECT WEAPON" message and continued to receive "SELECT WEAPON" in response. (IO Exhibit 91).

(d) (S) USS VINCENNES issued a MAD challenge to TN 4131 CSE 211, SPD 385. In background noise "Standard missile, hit Standard missile" is heard. USS VINCENNES's system data indicated the same. (IO Exhibits 91 203).