Page:Irish wedding (1).pdf/5

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Her face is fair, her heart is true;
As spotless as she's bonny O:
The op'ning (illegible text)owan wet wi' dew,
Nae purer is than Nannie, O.

A country lad is my degree,
And few there be than ken me O,
But what care I how few they be,
I'm welcome ay to Nannie O:
My riches a'a my penny (illegible text)e
And I maun guide it canni- O;
But warld's gear ne'er troubles me,
My thoughts are a' my Nannie O;

Our auld gudeman delights to view,
His sheep and ky(illegible text) thrive bonny O;
But I'm a(illegible text) blythe (illegible text)at hauds his plough,
And has nae care but Nannie O.
Come weel, come wae, I care na by,
I'll tak what heaven will send me 0,
Nae ithur care in life hae I,
But live, and love my Nannie, O.


O leeze me on my spinning wheel,