This, of course, speaks of the man. (Query, does it refer to man as mankind?)
But at once God gives this marriage as forbidden. "The nakedness of thy father." This can alone refer to the woman (as verse 9:2 refers not to marriage, but a horrible lust of such a nature).
Consequently, when God says that man shall not marry any near of kin to him, He also, by even commencing with the marriage not to be contracted by woman, declares that equally woman may not marry any near of kin to her. A right use of reason surely commends this.
God, then, says, "A man may not marry his mother." He lays down this rule, which is reasonable, that a woman may not do what a man is forbidden to do in like things.
He starts us with one case for man and woman, thus—
A man may not marry his mother.
∴ A woman may not marry her father.
After this, throughout, the case of the man only is given.
The rule established for the woman is, shortly—place for man, woman, and for the female or male relationship its equal in the opposite gender—-e.g.
for mother put father,
for brother put sister,
and for wife put husband, etc.