Page:Ivan Cankar - Hlapci.pdf/32

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The one to coop his wife in the byre, for she wished to pilgrimage.

Minka. This person should long have been expelled from teaching! So to say, brother to drunkards, so to say . . .

Geni. Truly, this apathy and carelessness . . .

Pastor. Do not judge the sinner ‘till you do not name ‘em.

Jerman. (Entering from the right.) How do you all do!

Pastor. (Stands up and shakes hands with Jerman.) How do you do?

Principal. (Apparently saddened.) What have you done . . .

Jerman. (Surprised.) What wrong have I done?

Principal. How come you forgot to take your honor and right in consideration?

Pastor. Y-yes. Do not counter a sinner with blame and threat, but a brotherly hug. Sir Jerman, we all feel badly insulted by you and your activities . . .

Jerman. Tell me what your excellence desires.

Pastor. . . . And because of your activities. You know well the times have changed and now Truth has come to light. The people have voiced their demands from their saviors from the judgment halls and their teachers...

Jerman. Ha ha! You have enlightened me a little now. Do tell me more! (Sits.)

Komar. Who do you talk to like such?

Jerman. What? You too, Rodomonte? I shall shave my cheeks and the sandals of mine shall dissolve!