Page:Ivan Cankar - Hlapci.pdf/6

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In a garden behind the mayor's canteen. On the right side, there is a friendly-looking white house with a tiny balcony. In the background, there is a green stockade, behind which a road goes. On the left, there is a minor shed in the front. There are tables under the trees and on the balcony.

Jerman and Anka stand in front of the shed.

Jerman. I barely came to know you and you are already in a hurry. I feel this love of yours as a humpback, or a goat-face, or be it a patched cloak. I dare not be too harsh with it . . . I will thus speak of weather.

Anka. You truly are so plain!

Jerman. I'm afraid those glorious days may come to an end once.

Anka. What do you want?

Jerman. And that every sunshine ends in thunder and hail.

Anka. It is a goodbye!

Jerman. Do tell me this goodbye stands for ever, do not fear to! To you, love is like a fresh blouse, or like a colorful ribbon on your straw. I, just another conservative farmer from the hills, thought it to be otherwise. Now I'm ashamed. Goodbye!

Anka. Is love so sweet only when it howls? You stand against me for I laugh rather than weep, for I wear white rather than black, for I am young. Soon you will shame me for I am not yet