Page:Ivan Cankar - Hlapci.pdf/60

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Kalander's wife. Drink by yourself! Are you not smart and aged sufficiently not to gather with people left behind by any Christian? Not to gather with the people who back-stab their faith and their goddess, who shall be met by the darkened devil as they pass?

Kaladner: She is such, and there is not much one can do! That is little compared to her blunders at home, where her preaches are only tougher!

Kalander's wife. Don't you think about it? You half-father and a pastor to your children! Don't you think how god will not strike only you – whereas you deserve it – but will as well strike your household; god will ass well commence thunder by my side, as I take care of you every Sunday . . . You worthless rat, headed to hell! Do laugh – the time shall soon come for you not to laugh – you will voice your cries to god, and to me as well! We will not reach out to you, god won't and neither will I! Should they beat you, as they crucify you, I will not come to pray for you; I will not be your savior. I will not even bother to open the door as they bring your body!

Kalander. Is it like so? Shall I be beaten? What other nonsense are you to make up?

Peasant. (Shouts.) We have heard one preach, now issue us another!

Kalander. Sir . . . Tell them abruptly – do not insult them. They are waiting for the word most barbaric, much like a dog waits for a bone!

Another peasant: Who wills to say something, do open your mouth wide, do begin to mouth your wordings!

Nace. (Is an old farmer, wearing a white hood. Their backwardness is written all over their face. Having been standing on the left,