Page:Ivan Cankar - Hlapci.pdf/62

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Some feminine voice: What for do they mouth about god?

Jerman. Everything is made and set by god, except for foolishness. What we conduct to counter this foolishness is the god's will and is thus holy as the all-knowing had sent it and insofar it has remained the all-loving work. I stated all this for you have named me an Anti-Christ before I have voiced a chord.

Some feminine voice: They declared themselves to . . .

Jerman. There certainly are some among you who desire knowledge – I call them to accompany me. They will be enlightened and will come to understand how Catechism is not the start nor the end of the Library of Alexandria; the time has come to lower the wall set to the human being by both holy and secular hawks and birds of prey. Some in the country of ours, many of them, would not come to a hold, had god sent all four great and minor preachers after them.

Peasant. Has he not just declared us brain-less?

Jerman. I will not attempt to enlighten such cavemen; let them rot! How simple a battle against such thought would have been – souls of theirs are hungry; they are thirsty enough to themselves near the source of knowledge . . . Had stupidity only been stupidity; had it not been stuffed with riches . . . So its relatives came to chain it in its room and told it: "Do not bother traveling the roads, for you better not lose your immortal soul! Remain by your fireplace; cry in hunger, thus your soul will be granted timeless gold!" - Poor stupidity remains by the fireplace and whimpers in hunger, as its sacred keepers cheer and are being fed through her ounces and her rubles. Thus it is our need to uncover such keepers and show their honest hearts to the people: "Take a look at the shepherd above you!"