Page:Ivan Cankar - Hlapci.pdf/70

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Jerman. Already? Time is an orderly servant; there is little need to call for it. One is always ready – but when the time comes – the time is not right.

Geni. When you are paying off the owes, do not forget to come by once or twice.

Jerman. Thank you, truly. However, I shall not spend on this journey.

Doctor from the left. Jerman approaches them.

Doctor. I have done my part; the rest falls onto the Pastor and god. Intelligentsia has little role where nature has played out its role.

Jerman. Thus it truly is the time to pack?

Doctor. What do you mean?

Jerman. I don't know, senior doctor, how to pay off all of your blessings. I don't think I'll ever . . .

Doctor. I wasn't writing them down. (Grabs Jerman's hand, shaking it.) Why argue with god? You need no pity for you are used to grief.

Geni. Used for real; they would've caught a cold, having stepped from a thunder's rain into a warmed house.

Doctor. It was not alright . . . Wasn't alright . . . You mistreated . . .

Jerman. (Grabs doctor's hand.) Elaborate . . . How did I treat... How should've I treated them? (To Lojzka.) Make them some tea! . . . Do elaborate! For . . . My chest is stuffed with worries . . . A bad thought, sir! One worth dying for. I must hear you utter it. (Offers the doctor some tea.)