Page:Ivan Cankar - Hlapci.pdf/73

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Hvastja. You ask a lonely tree in the midst of a desert: why grow? Grows, stands, dies off, rots. Ask god as though why it was made grow there.

Jerman and the Pastor arrive from the back side. The pastor passes the room silently and leaves to the left.

Jerman.You are early if you come to besprinkle her with holy water . . .

Hvastja. I came to say a goodbye. The journey will be bitter, I'd take on a third for you . . . Only a third, for I am old, weakened and burdened.

Jerman. I thank you gladly for the third . . . Though the way is one and indivisible, much like god is and much like death is.

Hvastja. I thought you would come across tiredness and hunger on the way . . . Thus I have brought you sausages – barn sausages – sausages made by one who is married and has three children in total.

Jerman. I thank you from within my chest for the sausages; I am as well thankful for the warm wishes of yours . . . However, this route, as bitter as it may sound, will require no sausages and no empathy. Pardon me for having insulted you; much like others have – insulted yourself and your "black suit" . . . I was young; I questioned people's beliefs and judged them by their wordings . . . Now I know tasty wine requires no watermark. (Grabs Hvastja's hand to shake it.)

Hvastja. However, as for the sausages . . .

Jerman. They are nothing to me, friend . . .

Hvastja. ...As for the sausages, I'd say one does not know when they will desire food the most. God has implanted