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thanks to the giant, and then set off to the prince.

When he had come up with the king's son, they soon arrived at the dwelling of the beautiful lady who was under the power of a wicked magician. She received the prince very politely, and made a noble feast for him; and when it was ended, she rose, and wiped her mouth with a fine handkerchief, said, "My lord, you must submit to the custom of my palace: to-morrow morning I command you to tell me on whom l bestow' this handkerchief, or lose your head." She then went out of the room.

The young prince went to bed very mournful: but Jack put on his cap of knowledge, which told him that the lady was forced by the power of the enchantment, to meet the wicked migician every night in the middle of the forest. Jack now put on his coat of darkness and his shoes of swiftness, and was there before her. When the lady came she gave the handkerchief to the magician. Jack, with his sword of sharpness, at one blow, cut off his head; the enchantment was then ended in a moment, and the lady was restored to her former virtue and goodness.

She was married to the prince on the next day, and soon after went back with her royal husband and a great company to the court of King Arthur, where they were received with loud and joyful welcomes; and this valiant hero, Jack, for the many great exploits he had done for the good of his country, was made one of the nights of the Round Table.

As Jack had been so lucky in all his adventures, he resolved not to be idle for the future, but still do what services he could for the honour of the king and the nation. He therefore humbly begged his majesty to furnish him with a horse and