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While George and Juſtice rules our Britiſh Iſle No Popiſh Varlets ſhall our Rights defile.

SLAVERY in Miniature: A FABLE.

Apply'd to the moſt Factious People of Great-Britain, 1745.

ERE Britain's Peace is broken quite,
Ere Parties meet in deadly Fight;
Ere Blood is ſpilt and Treaſure ſpent,
Our Crown remov'd or Kingdom rent.
Ye ſenſleſs Tribe with Patience hear,
A ſimple Fable, worth your Ear.

 In Days of yore, when Beaſts cou'd prate,
And argue on Affairs of State,
A Colony of Frogs whoſe Hoſt
A free Prerogative did boaſt;
Till Faction, Avarice and Strife,
Depriv'd them of the happieſt Life,
This Tribe inbred to Diſcontent,
Many Solicitations ſent
To Jove, the Emp'ror of the Sky,
That he their Wiſh wou'd gratify,
And grant them from his radiant Seat,
A King to rule their jarring State.
But Jove their weak Requeſt rejected,
And out of Pity long neglected;
The Conſequence could plain foretel,
And bid them know when they were well.
But they unſatisfy'd perſiſt,
That he wou'd anſwer their Requeſt;
Tir'd out at laſt, Jove angry threw
A Log among this murm'ring Crew:
Amaz'd they ſtood, the mighty Fall
Diffus'd a Terror 'mongſt 'em all
Their Fears diſpers'd, they humbly came,
And paid due Homage to his Name.
Demur a while, was huſh'd again,
They 'njoy'd, like us, a peaceful Reign;
They went, they came, they drank, they eat,
And laught nad talk'd as they thought fit.
But by Degrees their Pride grew high,
Indulg'd with too much Liberty;
They ſcorn their peaceful Prince's Reign,
And jarring Tumults roſe again.
A King they cry! a helpleſs Weight,
Why don't he riſe, exert his Might,
And put our daring Foes to flight?
Once more they importuned Jove,
That he'd this heedleſs King remove,
And grant them one whoſe mighty Sway
Wou'd make their Foes (and them) obey;
One active, bold, and ſtout beſide,
And nearer to their Bands allied.
O Murmerers! Jove in Wrath reply'd.
Muſt I for ever bear your Pride?
You ſhall have Reaſon to complain,
And feel a cruel Tyrant's Reign.
Thus ſaid, th' inraged Thunderer ſends
A Stork triumphant o'er their Fens,
Who reign'd with arbitrary Sway,
Devouring all within his Way,
Or drove them forth, and in their Place
Advanc'd his own tyranick Race.
This fatal Change too ſoon appear'd,
What Groans around the Fens were heard!
Hoarſe croaking Lamentations riſe,
But Jove was deaf to all their Cries,
And left them, unredreſs'd, to bear
What they'd long ſought with Earneſt Pray'r.

 From hence ye reſtleſs Britons learn,
'Twixt Good and Evil to diſcern:
All arbitrary Power diſdain,
And prize that gracious Monarch's Reign,
Who rules by Law, loves Liberty,
Reſolv'd his People ſhall be free.
Then let all Hearts in one firm Band unite,
T' repel the baſe Diſturbers of his Right.


AS after Storms, the Sun more bright appears,
That Joy is greateſt which is rais'd by Fears
Adverſity makes Men more fond of Wealth,
Who hath no Sickneſs, prizeth not his Health.
A Scene of Woe adds Pleaſure to our Joys,
Still to be happy, Happineſs deſtroys;
This long has been thrice happy Britain's Caſe,
Indulg'd with Plenty, Liberty and Peace,
'Till late involv'd in this inteſtine War,
Which we unus'd to, think it more ſevere.
Yet if true Subjects cordially unite
Our daring Foes ſhall ſoon be put to flight,
And Peace and Plenty all our Toils requite.
Such baſe pretending Rebels can't withſtand,
Great GEORGE's Force, and William's brave Command.
O may his Valour with his Years advance,
Old England's Glory, and a Dread to France.
The Scourge of Spain, the Terror of all thoſe
That now does Britain's Happineſs oppoſe:
And then we ſhall in future Annals ſee,
That more than Marlbro' was, ſhall Will'am be.