Page:James Connolly - Socialism Made Easy (1909).djvu/48

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Socialism Made Easy

It will be seen that this conception of Socialism destroys at one blow all the fears of a bureaucratic state, ruling and ordering the lives of every individual from above, and thus gives assurance that the social order of the future will be an extension of the freedom of the individual, and not a suppression of it. In short it blends the fullest democratic control with the most absolute expert supervision, something unthinkable of any society built upon the political state, To focus the idea properly in your mind you have but to realize how industry to-day transcends all limitations of territory and leaps across rivers, mountains and continents, then you can understand how impossible it would be to apply such far reaching intricate enterprises the principle of democratic control by the workers through the medium of political territorial divisions.

Under Socialism states, territories or provinces will exist only as geographical expressions, and have no existence as sources of governmental power, though they may be seats of administrative bodies.

Now having grasped the idea that the administrative force of the Socialist Republic of the future will function through unions industrially organized, that the principle of democratic control will operate through the workers correctly organized in such Industrial Unions, and that the political, territorial state of capitalist society will have no place or function under Socialism, you will at once grasp the full truth of the Socialist Party whom I have just quoted, that “only the industrial form of organization offers us even a theoretical constructive Socialist program.”

To some minds constructive Socialism is embodied