not to rise on your hearth with only a glass of water, then: I must bring an egg at the least, to say nothing of fried ham."
"You mocking changeling—fairy-born and human-bred! You make me feel as I have not felt these twelve months. If Saul could have had you for his David, the evil spirit would have been exorcised without the aid of the harp."
"There, sir, you are redd up and made decent. Now I'll leave you: I have been travelling these last three days, and I believe I am tired. Good-night!"
"Just one word, Jane: were there only ladies in the house where you have been?"
I laughed and made my escape, still laughing as I ran up stairs. "A good idea!" I thought, with glee. "I see I have the means of fretting him out of his melancholy for some time to come."
Very early the next morning, I heard him up and astir, wandering from one room to another. As soon as Mary came down, I heard the question: "Is Miss Eyre here?" Then: "Which room did you put her into? Was it dry? Is she up? Go and ask if she wants anything; and when she will come down."