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The Strange Attraction

more response from him, or what? He had got away from her after she had told her story, but he had seemed pleased to have her company. Was she surprised that he had come so soon to companionable silences? She did not know. But she did know as she lay wakeful in her bed that she had met a personality that was not to be disposed of in general terms. And already she wondered when she would meet it again.

Dane thought about her for a little while after he left her. The ride had shaken him out of his depression and out of his loneliness. And after all it had been pleasant to listen to a girl talk with the vividness she had and the honesty she had. And he realized she was not just the girl he had thought her at the beginning of the evening. He wondered how much of a woman she was. And he knew, too, that he would like to see her again.