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The Strange Attraction

campaign run by his opponent. Then calling dramatically for cheers for Mr. Massey, the new government, the King and the Empire, he stumbled back into the arms of his friends.


Valerie now meant to sneak out, but a hint to Mrs. Benton on the subject was received with as much amazed protest as if she had declared her intention to commit murder.

“My dear, you simply must stay to drink his health. And it’s champagne, you know.”

This was the kind of thing that always made Valerie want to put her thumb to her nose, but she stayed, meaning to slip away after the first toast.

The supper room was soon so crowded that it was impossible to use the chairs set round it. There was standing room only. But the leaders of the campaign grouped themselves about the table. Valerie manœuvred herself into the background, but she was found by George Rhodes, and dragged to the front again. There was much popping of corks amidst hilarity. And then there was a suspensive pause as the glasses were filled.

But before Bob, who had been deputed to act as an informal toastmaster, could make a start, Roger himself got on to a chair. Excited though he was, he had clear in mind what he wanted to say. The mere waving of his glass provoked an outburst, and when it had subsided a little he began.

“Friends, I want to propose a toast to come before the King and the Empire and the party and all the rest of us. This election has been won for me by the splendid work, the splendid devotion of many people. Comparisons are odious, my friends, but for some time my com-