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The Strange Attraction

habit. It will be so wonderful to come to you for those week-ends.”

“Yes, it will. But it won’t help to keep the secret.”

“Well, let’s see how long we can keep it. There’s going to be a row, of course. But I’ve promised you that when the row comes, if it’s going to hurt you, I shall tell. I don’t care whether dad helped you or not, I don’t see what that has to do with us, or our private lives. If he ever presumes to talk morals to us I’ll tell him something that will shut him up.”

“Sh! You everlasting spitfire! Have it your own way. What I care about is that you love me, and of course you must love me in your own way. But I don’t mind telling you I intend to change you a little.”

She had looked at him with a smile. “I have a suspicion that you will change me far more than I shall change you. Love has done all it can to you, and I’m just beginning with it. I have no idea what it will do to me.”

“I don’t think love has done all it can to me,” he had replied softly. There are things about it I have never had, and I’m hoping you can give them to me.”

But so far he had not been able to move her out of her determination to go back to her work on the paper. It was not only that she wanted to be occupied, to be getting ahead towards a career, but she wanted to earn her own money. She had never mentioned the subject of finance to Dane. She had not the faintest idea whether he meant to give her an allowance or intermittent presents of cash, and until he did so she would never have brought up the subject. But her economic freedom, the thing for which she had fought and bled, was something she would never give up to anybody.

The lovers had laid elaborate plans to cover their mar-