I am enclosing what I should say is a freak, as you say in your magazine to work for the success of the magazine. (Mr. Toner uses a loose coupler, phones, variable, and two mineral detectors for receiving. The two detectors are connected with a two point switch. He found strong signals could be heard faintly when the two point switch was as is shown in diagram. That is, the lever arm of the switch was not on a contact point. This apparent freak may be explained either by leakage through the base of the switch or by inductive effects between connecting wire; This effect is often noticed with strong signals.--Editor.) 117 Marshall St., Elizabeth, N. J., Dec. 2, 1915
American Radio Relay League, Hartford, Conn. Gentlemen: Your (QST) received and I think it is all to the mustard. Enclosed find money order for $.75 for three months subscription to the (QST) and $.50 for an Official League License, and believe me I am going to make this winter a good one for relaying messages. I remain, Sincerely yours, (Signed) ROBERT CAMPBELL, Jr.
November 18, 1915.
Mr. G. D. Tuska, Secty., American Radio Relay League, |
Hartford, Conn. Dear Sir: The List of Stations and Blanks received for which I thank you. If you look at my previous letter you will see that I said that I think I can easily get 100 miles. I now give you some of the results I got since my last letter to you. On Sunday night, November 14th, between 11:30 P. M. and 2:30 A. M. I heard 8AAE, 8NH, 8WP, 8AEZ, 3ZL, 8JA, 9IK, 9PC and 1CM. All of them came in fine. I called 8WP, and 8AEZ in Lima. Ohio (a distance approx. 750 miles) answered me and said signals (QSA). Then 8NH in St. Marys, Ohio called me. But when I was through with 8AEZ and called 8NH, I didn’t get an answer but 8NH must have surely heard me. So I think that my distance in miles could be boosted a bit, as 8AEZ is 750 miles away. 1CM in Laconia, N. H. came in fine, and am going to try to work him some night. I wil try for 9PC later and will let you know, I would also like your opinion on the above. Yours very truly, (Signed) WALTER T. FEENEY, (2IB)
W. A. Meyer of Sheboygan, Wis., remarks:― “I think it would be a great help to the U. S. Government if every licensed amateur belonged to this RELAY LEAGUE because it keeps him in contact with more outside affairs. Also by this excellent “QST” magazine every page of which I have read with great enthusiasm.”
Kansas City, Kansas, High School Radio Club
Kansas City, Kans: A radio club has been formed in this city under the name of “The Kansas City, Kansas, High School Radio Club.” The club has not been organized very long, but it is progressing rapidly. The members are being trained so that they may become competent operators. Mr. Lyons has given several talks about the theory of electricity and wireless telegraphy. Under the instruction of Mr. Lyons, the members are rapidly becoming efficient operators. For sending the club has installed a one kilowatt transformer made by the |
members. The members have also made a loose coupler, variable condenser, and several other instruments. They use a pair of Brandes Navy Receivers and obtain excellent results. The members hope to increase the present set. The following is a partial list of the members:― Parker E. Wiggins, Pres., Ralph Mueller, Secy., William Ritter, Treas., Fred White, Press Agt., Edw. Foulks, Frank Reichenecker, William Mauzy, Erland Curtis, Paul Jefferds, Bert Kellar.