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Page:January 1916 QST.djvu/17

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Items of Interest


The next issue of “QST” will surpass everybody's expectations. Don't fail to read the article on “Arrangement.” You can get efficiency and send a long distance if your apparatus is arranged properly. There is more in this subject than the majority realize. “Arrangement” will be another clear and interesting article by a competent writer.

February “QST” will be a wonder in many respects. Some remarkable photographs of amateur stations have been received. You will wish to look them over. Subscribe to “QST” and you will have the opportunity. One amateur will tell how he receives distant amateurs and transmits 600 miles with a half kilowatt. That is something everybody wants to do. Read the article. Some answers to the Japanese letter will be published. They are great.


The Editorial on “A New Wireless Association While You Wait” puts it mildly. Don't join the wrong association. In many ways the AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE has been a great success. Other associations have sprung up like grass. Will they die? One in particular seems to like OUR name. We have incorporated the LEAGUE to protect our name, but we can't enter into a legal battle. We are trusting you to fight for us.

Read “Radio Communications? You can see what the amateurs are doing. Some of them talk about “QST.” See what they have to say. Do you agree with them? If you do, you should subscribe. If you want to keep abreast of wireless development read “QST." It’s the ONLY REAL WIRELESS MAGAZINE OF THE AMATEUR, FOR THE AMATEUR, AND BY THE AMATEUR.

To Those Who Are Not Subscribers

   We have sent you the December issue of “QST;” here is the January. You have now gotten an idea as to it's value. Subscribe now. Read it every month. Don't miss anything. If you have not the quarter, write to us; send us the name and address of your newsdealer. We shall see that you can purchase your “QST” from him.
   Tell your friends where “QST” may be purchased.



American Radio Relay League

   Hartford, Conn.


  Enclosed find 25c (stamps, check, or money order); kindly send me February, March, and April numbers of Q S T.


Street and No.

Town and State.